Kokemäki in general
Population in Kokemäki is about 7500. City is location in Satakunta region. Our city is quite big geographically.
Kokemäki is known by river and waters what are named by Kokemäki.
You can find more travel information from: http://www.visitsatakunta.fi and http://www.koesatakunta.fi
Local travel information can be found from K-supermarket Teljänportti.
Under we have collected some places to visit and some local services.
Kokemäki river and museum bridge
Kokemäki river which crosses center of Kokemäki is very beautiful river on the summer time. Landscape can bee seen from museum bridge.
Church of Kokemäki
Church of Kokemäki is built 1786. Church is made from big natural stones. Church is located center of Kokemäki.
Photo Timo Rönkkönen
Puurijärvi – Isosuo national park
Puurijärvi is significant place to see birds. Park have 18 meter high tower to see birds. There is path for walking towards tower. Park includes also other paths what are suitable for day trip.
You can drive to park from two direction. Park have parking area near beginning of paths. Ride from center of Kokemäki is between 20 to 35km, depending which path you choose
Photo: Metsähallitus
Pitkäjärvi locates 8 km from center of Kokemäki. Pitkäjärvi is area where is collection of freetime activities and services. Area consist open beach for swimming, caravan-area, freetime center where is for example summer terrace.
Sports is also strongly present in the area. There are sport fields, ice rink, golf-hall, outdoor paths and frisbee golf course.
You can read more about area: www.pitkajarvi.fi/en
Swimming hall in Kokemäki
Swimming hall of Kokemäki is renovated in 2005. There are 4 lanes. Hall includes big pool, pool for children and cold pool.
Check opening times http://www.kokemaki.fi/palvelut/vapaa-aika/uimahalli/
Sinituote factory shop
SINI is famous brand in Finland. SINI makes cleaning products in factory what is located in Kokemäki. They have factory shop also there.
From factory shop you can find specially discarded products and very good offers.
Opening times varies through different times of the year, check: http://www.sinituote.fi
Coffee and food
Ravintola Vanhasilta, restaurant which is open every day.
Pizzeria Belda, restaurant which is open every day.
Ravintola Moccapala, lunch restaurant, open from monday to friday.
Cafe Uno, coffee shop, open every day.
Kokemäen Grilli-City, traditional Finnish grillroom.
Grocery markets in Kokemäellä: S-Market Kokemäki, K-Supermarket Teljänportti ja Lidl Kokemäki
Kokemäen Olkkari, pub